Out of gratitude for God's grace and love, we give generously to the beloved
St. Matthew's community in a variety of ways.
Thank you for your contributions!
PayPal offers secure online processing of one time or recurring gifts using a credit/debit card or electronic bank transfer.
You may designate your gift for a specific purpose, or indicate that you are paying fees for a specific program, by completing the "Note" section on the form.
Click the donate button, or click here to access PayPal.
Simply find @stmatthewsrenton on Venmo.
(if needed, use the four digit 8161)
Mobile App giving is as easy as:
Download the “VANCO MOBILE” app on your device.
Under church organization, enter "St. Matthew's Lutheran Church" or enter invite number BBV4AN.
Log in or create an account for future donations.
This app supports both bankcards and bank accounts.
St. Matthew's Lutheran Church number for Text Message Giving is:
(425) 651-6662
Enter the 10-digit "text to give" text number and the amount to donate (whole numbers only, no cents) and hit send.
Enter your contact and payment information. Tap Process.
If a blank screen comes up just go back to the link and copy and paste to your internet browser.
After registration is complete, you will receive a verification text showing your information and donation amount.
For future giving, simply respond with "repeat" for recurring donations.
This supports bank cards only.
Simply Giving allows you to make a one time gift or schedule a recurring gift, using your credit/debit card or electronic transfer fromyour bank.
If you want to designate your gift or payment to a specific purpose, complete the box that says "Other."
If you have questions or would like assistance, please contact the church office.
Click here to access Simply Giving.
If you prefer to register offline, you can instead print the Enrollment and Authorization Form, complete it, and return it to the church office.
Bank Bill Pay is another method of making electronic donations.
Please check the Bill Pay section of your online bank to learn how to make one-time or recurring donations via your bank accounts.
Your bank may offer electronic payment to an email address using on-line banking, mobile apps and/or text messaging.
Donations using these services may be directed to SMLC at
Gifts of appreciated stocks and securities will often provide tax benefits to the giver along with a valuable donation.
Securities can be donated either electronically or by physical delivery.
To ensure that we can acknowledge your gift for tax purposes, and for help with the necessary paperwork, please notify us in advance by contacting our church staff bookkeeper through the church office.
Many employers or other groups will match donations you make.
If your employer will not allow dollars to be designated for religious purposes, they will often approve dollars given to our Social Ministry fund which provides layettes and other supplies for those in need.
Contact the church office for assistance.
If you currently have investments with Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, you may be eligible to direct Choice Dollars through Thrivent Choice.
By recommending St. Matthew's Lutheran Church in Renton as a beneficiary, some of Thrivent's charitable outreach grant dollars will be sent. This is a great way to leverage your investment in Thrivent.
Contact your Thrivent representative or watch for your opportunity in your Thrivent mailings.
By including the church in our wills, we are able to pass along some of what we have been given for future generations of faith.
The language can be as simple as naming a specific dollar amount or a percentage of your estate's residual value with the church as beneficiary.
Contact your attorney or the church office if you need assistance.
Monday - Thursday
10:00am - 4:00pm
Closed Fridays and Saturdays
Ring the doorbell, or
call and make an appointment
(425) 226-2420
Our staff is available and ready
to connect with you. Please call or email!
1700 Edmonds Ave NE
Renton, WA 98056
(425) 226-2420
24-Hour Prayer Request and Spiritual Care Line (text or call):

A church within the
Northwest Washington Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA)