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Find out what we're doing in and with the community!


Classes thru the LiVE Project, 

click here or scroll down.

For events that happen every week,

click here or scroll down.


Wednesdays in February, 6-7:15pm

all are invited, no RSVP needed

We will eat together, read some Scripture, process life, and pray for each other. It’s not a program. No fancy handouts or theme. Just an opportunity to let the Spirit minister to our souls so that we can keep showing up—for our families, our neighbors, our community and ourselves. If someone brings a guitar we might sing, if someone shows up with a poem, article or information If you are feeling weary, come and be nourished. If you are feeling strong or passionate, show up for others who need to borrow some of your strength.

SMART TEAM EVENTS for Black History Month

Emerging Voices author panel​

Renton IKEA PAC 

Thursday, Feb 20  6-8:30​


Black Art Takeover

Northwest African American Museum 

Thursday, Feb 20  11am-4pm​​​​

Contact Marissa

Emerging Voices: Kathya Alexander, Chardonnay Beaver and Luther Hughes are award winning authors and storytellers that write from their unique lived experiences. They have captivated audiences through poetry, fiction and nonfiction storytelling and will share their journey in the literary world. Discuss their latest projects and hear about how their work helps offer personal and cultural healing and gives rise to social transformation. Black Art Takeover: The Black Art Takeover is NAAM’s effort to create space and a spotlight for artists who make sure the power and emotion of Black stories is captured, seen, and celebrated - while ensuring the community can connect with these amazing creators and support their work. Contact Marissa if you are interested in attending one of both of these events.


​Sunday, Feb 23


Form to fill out

All families with children in Pre-K through 5th grade are invited for a lunch of sandwiches and conversation about what you envision for Family Ministries at St. Matthew's. Your feedback will shape what this spring and summer will look like as we design events, activities, and resources for families and children! If you are planning to attend, fill out the form.


March 4, 


Get ready to celebrate! We'll enjoy homemade pancakes, Bingo, and the infamous "bundtcake bake-off!" More details coming soon!


Grades K-6th

Friday-Saturday, March 14-15

$65 youth/$45 adult,

scholarships available

Register/get more info 

For children K-6th and their families to experience the love of God in a camp setting! These fun-filled 24 hours include sleeping in a cabin, meals in the dining hall, craft creation, and a campfire worship! This one night retreat is $65 for each youth and $45 for each adult. Mark will let everyone know when registration opens.


Blaine Memorial United Methodist​

​Wednesday, Feb 19


A documentary on the unlawful evictions of Japanese Americans in Hawai`i during World War II. This film was written by Puget Sound Alumnus William Kaneko, and he and the film’s director will host a Q&A session after the screening. The event is in commemoration of Japanese American Day of Remembrance


Saturday, Feb 22, 9am​​ 

Zoom Link

What would it look like for us to help others by asking more questions? We’ll discuss Emily Freeman’s podcast episode where she speaks about the importance of finding people who will listen to us when we are dealing with a life change and transition. She also speaks about the importance of us being good listeners to others who are experiencing their own life changes and transitions. So Emily offers an intriguing possibility - instead of offering advice, or sharing our experiences, what if we just asked them questions? In a world filled with influencers making a lot of money dispensing advice, what would it look like for us to help others and strengthen our community bonds by asking more questions? If you’re feeling stuck, confused, hesitant, or overwhelmed today, maybe it will help to ask and answer the second question. We can talk about the podcast and whatever else is going on in your life transitions when we meet. Meeting ID: 825 6842 1317 | Passcode: 683842


Sunday, March 2nd

8:30am and 10am

Contact Marissa

Our entire congregation, yes including Kids Church and Youth Groups, will have the opportunity to help create some table runners for the May Synod Assembly. No special skills or tools will be needed. You don't need to know how to sew or draw or or need to bring any special equipment. But we need some volunteers who might be willing to help assist fellow congregation members as needed, during the 8:30am and 10:30am worship services on March 2nd. If this sounds like fun, please contact Marissa Singleton for more information

St Matthew's
Saturday, March 8,   2pm


Luther's Table
Sunday , March 9,   2pm​

Says Bobbi: "It is with a heart full of joy and gratitude that I invite you to join me for two special celebrations that mark an incredible milestone in my journey of faith and ministry. Over the past five years, you have been my home, my support, and my inspiration. You’ve prayed with me, encouraged me, and walked alongside me through seminary, candidacy, and my call to ordained ministry. I couldn’t have gotten to this moment without you. Now, I invite you to join me as we celebrate my Ordination as a Deacon and my Installation as the Mission Developer at Luther’s Table"


Grades 7-12

Friday-Sunday, March 21-23

$150, scholarships available

Register/get more info 

Pack your bags and get ready for an epic weekend full of fun, friends, and faith! Join us at the Youth Spring Retreat, where middle and high school youth (and your friends!) will: + Play games that’ll have you laughing until your sides hurt + Chill and share stories + Grow in faith and friendship + Get creative with fun activities + Explore the outdoors and enjoy the beautiful scenery Bring your friends—fun is better together!

LiVE Project: Classes

LiVE (rhymes with "give") is a program from the ELCA that helps people better understand and appreciate their place in God's world. St. Matthews has joined this program and purchased a yearly subscription so anyone in our congregation can be part of any and all LiVE offerings for free.

More information at the website.


​Use the following St. Matthew’s Bundle Code: LIVEBUNDLE2024 for free registration for all courses!

Learning Love: Lenten Journey with bell hooks
Thursdays, 7-8:30 pm, Mar 6 - Apr 10,

bell hooks explores the transformative power of love through a commitment to personal growth, justice, and self-awareness. Come and deepen our calling to love as we explore her writing together.

Church & Creation: a retreat
Saturday, April 5, 2025
9:00 am - 3:00 pm


How is God’s creation calling your church into a more expansive identity? Grounded in God’s call to new creation in the book of Revelation, we’ll explore the sacramental nature of the world and how we participate in it.

Regular Weekly Events

Sundays, 8:30-9:30 am

St Matthew's Traditional Service

Sundays, 11:30 am

Grace Lutheran Chinese Worship 

2nd Sundays, 1-3 pm

Confirmation Class

Mondays, 7 pm

AA Women's Only Meeting

Thursdays, 3-4 pm

Afterschool Program

Sundays, 10-11 am

St Matthew's Contemporary Service

Sundays, 3 pm

Mt. Moriah Seattle Church

1st and 3rd Sundays, 5-7 pm

Youth Group

Thursdays, 1-2 pm

Bible Study and Fellowship

Thursdays, 7 pm

AA Open Meeting


Monday - Thursday
10:00am - 4:00pm
Closed Fridays and Saturdays
Ring the doorbell, or
call and make an appointment
(425) 226-2420
Our staff is available and ready
\to connect with you. Please call or email!


1700 Edmonds Ave NE
Renton, WA  98056
(425) 226-2420


24-Hour Prayer Request and Spiritual Care Line (text or call):

(206) 492-4409

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