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St. Matthew’s is a passionate, imperfect community of Christ. We boldly affirm people of all cultures, ages, abilities, stories and experiences, skin tones, sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions. We trust in the ridiculous love of God that shows no partiality. When our unique identities are used to divide or hurt us, we are committed to reconciliation and healing so that justice, racial equity, grace, and inclusion continue to be our way of life.
on Sunday mornings
Traditional liturgy with communion
(in-person & live-stream)
10:00 AM
Informal, family-friendly worship with communion,
kid's church, and nursery care
(in-person & live-stream)
Monday - Thursday
10:00am - 4:00pm
Closed Fridays and Saturdays
Ring the doorbell, or
call and make an appointment
Our staff is available and ready
1700 Edmonds Ave NE
Renton, WA 98056
(425) 226-2420
24-Hour Prayer Request and Spiritual Care Line (text or call):

A church within the
Northwest Washington Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA)
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